Thursday, 22 November 2012

Home Truths: Blogging - how on earth did I get this far?

Home Truths
Lets look at some facts. The fact is I have never before in my life (49 yrs) ever bloged the computer is not a strong point for me however with the Team of Amasing People it was easy (Listen to me !)
Anyone from any background. Rich, poor, in business, out of business working stacking selves it does NOT matter you CAN do it.

There are two reason why some people in life don't succeed

F.O.P  Fear of People

F.O.F fear of Failure

These two thing hold people back, most people don't realise what fear stands for:
its simple  False, Evidence, Appearing, Real thats it thats all it is !!!
This stops people in their tracks  "feel the fear and do it anyway"

Question: When you close your curtains tonight, who's coming round to help you and your family succeed in the game of life?
See I have  a secret. I have a Team Of Amazing People who are a call away. Do you,? No! You can have!

Together, Everyone, Achieves. More
11 men playing football against 1 goal keeper at the other end how many goals will the eleven get verses how many goals the lone goalie will score?
But when he deploys his tean he levels the odds
Are you levelling the odd of your success in your favour  are you letting lifes' thumb sucking pin heads get too many goals past you?

Change the odds
You don't have to except what life throws your way you can choose !
Think about where you are right now, you are right where you are based on the decisions you made some time ago and because of the people you have assoiated with in the past.
There is another way a way to live your life the way you want it
For me i was sick and tired of being sick and tired of the same old but it took me some time and a good buddy to point out to me that if i kept doing the samr thing over again i would get the same result as i always got!!!!!!.


To find out how I created my online business, there is a free download of our team book. Just click the RED BUTTON on the right and enter your details.

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